Saturday, November 12, 2011

A year and a half

I have lived in Spain for a total of almost 20 months! You'd think that I'd have this whole living overseas thing down by now, but that is far from the truth. Pretty much every day I say or do something stupid--sometimes without even realizing it. I'm still clueless to a lot of the cultural norms here, and despite my efforts to appear as Spanish as possible, I continue to stick out as a Giri. To the Spaniards here I either provide easy entertainment or cause for frustration. My Moroccan friends are in the same boat as I so maybe there is a bit more understanding on their part, but still, things get lost in translation.

Because of the consistency of my charming ineptness, I have decided to blog about my misadventures and the rare occasions when I finally figure something out.

So that's about it for now. We'll see how this blog thing goes.

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