Friday, January 13, 2012

minnesota nice vs. spanish cariño

In Minnesota we show our friendliness by offering a hand and maybe even going out of our way to give someone directions. We are constantly apologizing for requesting help or taking up someone´s time. We are generally aware of our surroundings and if we are in someone´s path, we move out of the way. We are really rather nice people.

The Spanish, on the other hand, express their warmth through their cariño, or caress. Greetings always consist of two kisses on the cheeks. When they converse with one another, it´s imperative that they stand quite close to each other, almost leaning against the other, and possibly laying a hand on the other´s arm. Walking down the street, you will most likely receive many friendly ¨bumps¨ by total strangers. They are a very touchy-feely culture.

So my Minnesota Nice clashed with the Spanish Cariño. My space bubble was constantly getting popped! And I couldn´t understand why it seemed so difficult for people to see that they were in my way, or that I needed help. Even at the customer service counter I always felt like I was causing the worker to go way out of his or her way to help me. It was getting quite frustrating! Where were all the nice people?

But then I began to understand. They were just expressing their niceness in a different way. And I thought about what it would be like if a Spaniard moved to Minnesota. They would probably see us as rather cold people, always keeping others at an arms´ length with our fat space bubbles. Just handshakes and no kisses for greetings? Yeah, I don´t think they would see us as very friendly either.

Now that I have been in Spain for almost two years, I´m seeing some changes in how I interact with others. Greetings with kisses, walking arm in arm down the street with my girlfriends, slightly bumping complete strangers, and being okay with it all! My space bubble has definitely shrunk! When I come back to the States friends, don´t feel smothered by my cariño if I start to kiss your cheek or talk to you with my shoulder bumping against yours! And if I´ve lost some of that Minnesota nice and don´t apologize before making a request, please don´t hold it against me!


  1. I think I really like this spanish cariño.. I love the touching and I think people pay better attention with the touching... so come give me a kiss or hook my arms... you will fell right at home with me.... How soon do you get back to the states?? I know it is soon.

    1. I´ll be in the State for just two weeks--January 23-February 5. It will feel really strange being home again!

  2. I had a great time with family! And I had plenty of opportunity to experience Minnesota Nice once again. Particularly in the stores. One man at Cub saw me approaching the yogurts where he was, apologized, and moved completely out of the way! There was plenty of room for the both of us! Another time in Goodwill, someone moved their cart out of the way well before I was even near so that I could easily pass by. In Spain I would have had to practically shove pass! Ahhhh, overly nice Minnesota! How I at times miss you, how I sometimes laugh at you!
