Saturday, April 21, 2012

can openers and hash

When I first arrived in Spain back in ´08 I did some kitchen supply shopping. One of the things I bought was a can opener. However, as the months (and years) went by, I never had to use it because I discovered that pretty much every tin can has an easy-open lid. Handy! And so my can opener sat idle in the drawer. Until the other day. I had found canned baked beans and was craving my mom´s three bean casserole. So I started browning the hamburger and got a can of baked beans down from the top shelf. Oh! No easy-open lid! Wait a minute, I´ve got a can opener around here somewhere....there! Wait! What the....? How does one use this thing?

I forgot to mention. When I went shopping there were two can opener options. One for 1€ and the other for 6€. Being the budget-conscience person that I am, I went for the cheaper. Never mind that I´d never seen one, much less used one like it before. I´d figure it out....right?

Yesterday I went to a garden supply store. It was amazing! Living in a concrete world deprived of greenery and life--one of these places makes you feel like a kid in a candy store! It had everything! And I mean everything! Seeds, herbs, flowers, vegetables, fertilizer, and that what I think it is? An advertisement for growing cannabis? Hmmm...and even all the materials needed to start one´s own special garden! I guess it´s legal to have up to three plants...

I decided that it would be best not to start that new hobby. I mean, my life´s interesting enough already. Frequently I find myself confused about things that should be quite simple. Like using a can opener. I never did figure it out. Ended up using a knife. Next time I´m at IKEA, I´m buying that 6€ opener even if it breaks me!

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about using can openers.. I have the electic one but when I go to others homes and they have the hand crank one I can never figure it out either... they always act like DUH! to me but I still can't use that type.
